2025 Weekend Lectureship

We are looking forward to a weekend series March 28th to March 30th. Lessons will be presented Buddy Payne (Tampa, FL) & Jerome Sasanecki (Ashburn, VA) highlighting highlighting the strength of God's Gospel
Topics and presentation times are coming but we plan to gather:
Friday Evening (7:00 pm)
Christianity and Science: Conflict or Coherence? - Buddy Payne
The Reliability of the Bible - Jerome Sasanecki
Saturday Morning (10:00 am)
The Claims and Credentials of Jesus - Jerome Sasanecki
The Great Designer: Evidence from the Chemistry of Living Things - Buddy Payne
Saturday Evening (5:00 pm)
Molecular Machines - Evolved or Designed? - Buddy Payne
The Incarnation of Jesus - Jerome Sasanecki
Sunday Morning (9:30 am)
The Resurrection of Jesus - Jerome Sasanecki
Heaven's Response to Prayer - Buddy Payne
Sunday Evening (5:00 pm)
Citizens in the Kingdom of Christ - Buddy Payne
The Existence and Endurance of the Church - Jerome Sasanecki
Please join us for what we anticipate will be a very beneficial time of edification and instruction from God's word.