
We invite you to come join us in praising our Creator and learning about His will for all of us as we journey through this life on our way to our eternal one!

Sunday Morning Worship - 9:30am
Sunday Evening Bible Study - 5:00pm
Wednesday Evening Bible Study - 7:00pm

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2025 Weekend Lectureship

We are looking forward to a weekend series March 28th to March 30th. Lessons will be presented Buddy Payne (Tampa, FL) & Jerome Sasanecki (Ashburn, VA) highlighting highlighting the strength of God's Gospel  

Topics and presentation times are coming but we plan to gather:

Friday Evening (7:00 pm)
Christianity and Science: Conflict or Coherence? - Buddy Payne
The Reliability of the Bible - Jerome Sasanecki

Saturday Morning (10:00 am)
The Claims and Credentials of Jesus - Jerome Sasanecki
The Great Designer: Evidence from the Chemistry of Living Things - Buddy Payne

Saturday Evening (5:00 pm)
Molecular Machines - Evolved or Designed? - Buddy Payne
The Incarnation of Jesus - Jerome Sasanecki

Sunday Morning (9:30 am)
The Resurrection of Jesus - Jerome Sasanecki
Heaven's Response to Prayer - Buddy Payne

Sunday Evening (5:00 pm)
Citizens in the Kingdom of Christ - Buddy Payne
The Existence and Endurance of the Church - Jerome Sasanecki

Please join us for what we anticipate will be a very beneficial time of edification and instruction from God's word.

Monday, March 31, 2025

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all.”(Daily Reading, ESV)